[APR002] autumn:downpour:machinery – Fall I

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Nach der ersten Veröffentlichung im Jänner 2009 folgt nun der zweite Airbagpromo Records Netlabel-Release: Die EP “Fall Chapter One“ vom Ein-Mann-Projekt “autumn:downpour:machinery“ (auch ADM genannt) aus Verdings/Klausen. “autumn:downpour:machinery“ ist die musikalische Spielwiese von Dumb, seines Zeichens Bassist bei der Progressive- / Psychedelic-Rock Band “eating.seats“. ADM ist Laptop, Gitarre & Songidee. “The fall of Darewell Mountain Hold“ ist die erste Veröffentlichung aus der ADM-Reihe “Fall“. Wort.

In seguito alla prima pubblicazione in gennaio 2009, la netlabel Airbagpromo Records continua con la seconda release: “Fall Chapter One” EP del progetto “autumn:downpour:machinery” (ossia ADM) di Verdignes/Chiusa. “autumn:downpour:machinery” è il campo di sperimentazione musicale di Dumb, che a sua volta è il bassista del gruppo progressive rock/psichedelico “eating.seats”. ADM sono portatile, chitarra & idea. “The fall of Darewell Mountain Hold“ è il primo EP della sua serie “Fall“. Parola.

After the first album release in January 2009, Airbagpromo Records continues with the second netlabel-release: “Fall Chapter One” EP by the one-person-project “autumn:downpour:machinery” (also known as ADM, location: Verdings/Klausen). “autumn:downpour:machinery” is the musical brainchild of Dumb who also plays bass for the progressive- /psychedelic-rock band “eating.seats”. ADM are laptop, guitar & song idea. “The fall of Darewell Mountain Hold“ is the first chapter of a series of releases titled “Fall”. Word.

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